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Good vs Bad LGBT Representation

When trying to determine what makes LGBT representation good or bad, I found that it is a rather subjective topic. While some characters and storylines are praised for their representation of characters others are ridiculed for making similar choices. The largest determining factor is whether or not the material treats the characters with the respect they deserve and do not try to make light or dumb down their LGBT character to a single characteristic.

I will now attempt to highlight some of the good and bad examples of LGBT character and/or storylines and try to explain what it is that makes them good or bad.

The Good

Brooklyn nine-nine

Brooklyn nine-nine is a comedy series based in a police station in Brooklyn. “is known for its diverse cast and characters who balance the scales of addressing real-life issues and being consistently funny.” (Flavell, 2019). The first LGBT character in the show is Raymond Holt, portrayed by Andre Braugher. He is established as being a happily married Gay man in the pilot episode of the show. He is beloved by many for the way his character's storyline is handled as he has to deal with relationship issues as well as workplace homophobia and these stories are handled with the utmost respect and nuance.

Sex Education

As the title of the show suggests, Sex Education is a show that addresses many “taboo” topics surrounding sex for teenage audiences. There are many characters of gay, bisexual, asexual and pansexual characters in the show and “No character has the same story as another regarding their sexuality either.” (Wilkes and Patel, 2021). The characters are loved for the way their stories are played out, for example, one character, Adam, who rather believably is ashamed of his sexuality and is an important topic to explore. There is also Eric who is very open about his sexuality and is a key player in getting Adam to open up.

The Bad


Supernatural was an American tv show that ran for a staggering 15 years on television. In episode 18 of the final season, there was a confession between two characters called Castiel and Dean. Many fans had been hoping for this since his introduction in season 4, unfortunately for fans “immediately after confessing, Castiel dies and goes to a place that fans have nicknamed super hell.” (Gullikson, 2021). This an example of the all too common “bury your gays” cliché where LGBT characters are seen as “more expendable than their heterosexual counterparts.” (Bury Your Gays - TV Tropes, 2021). This trope has many variants, this particular one being the “out of the closet into the fire” where once a character comes out as gay they are immediately killed off. This is a pretty egregious example as not only did the character die immediately, they also were sent to hell reinforcing the religious belief that all gays go to hell.

Gigli and Chasing Amy

If I had a nickel for every time Hollywood has made a film about Ben Affleck converting a lesbian woman so he can get with them, I’d have 2 nickels. Which is not a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice. I am sure I don’t need to say exactly why this is bad representation, but I will anyway. “The entire film pushes the message that a gay person is only gay until they find the right partner of the opposite sex” (Sarkisian, 2021). These movies perpetuate negative stereotypes of lesbians but also is incredibly uncomfortable and damaging. It's also weird that this has happened twice.



Flavell, L., 2019. 5 Excellent Examples Of LGBT Representation (& 5 That Didn’t Age Well). [online] ScreenRant. Available at: <> [Accessed 4 March 2021].

Wilkes, E. and Patel, J., 2021. The best and worst of LGBT+ representation on the small screen. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 4 March 2021].

Gullikson, O., 2021. The Good, the bad, and the Destiel: LGBTQ+ representation in TV shows | Glebe Report. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 4 March 2021].

TV Tropes. 2021. Bury Your Gays - TV Tropes. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 4 March 2021].

Sarkisian, J., 2021. 9 movies that got their LGBTQ representation completely wrong. [online] Insider. Available at: <> [Accessed 4 March 2021].

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